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Denture repair services near Montmorency by Jacqueline Bell of Keep Smiling Dentures

Denture Repair Services Near Panton Hill

If you’re ever in Panton Hill, you know there are plenty of reasons to smile when you’re in the area. Something else to make you smile is knowing just how close you are to dependable denture repair services near Panton Hill.

Keep Smiling Dentures with expert female dental prosthetist Jacqueline Bell has been providing the best denture repair services near Panton Hill since 1992.

Keep Smiling Dentures is just around the corner, ready and waiting to help you.


When Accidents Happen


Accidents can happen at almost any time and in different situations. That goes for your teeth and dentures, too. Whenever something happens to your dentures, it's good to know Keep Smiling Dentures is close by.


Things that can affect your dentures include:


  • A tooth breaking off your dentures

  • More severe damage breaking them into several pieces

  • Cracks or long-term wear and tear

  • Undergoing a natural tooth extraction


Whenever there’s an issue that affects your dentures, it's important to deal with it straight away and prevent any additional problems in the future. The good news is that you can access same-day emergency services from expert denture repair services at Keep Smiling.



Reline every three years


Our gums and teeth undergo natural movement and shift over the years. This affects how comfortable and how well your dentures fit. That's why it’s best to have them relined every 3 years.


Relining helps with the overall appearance of your teeth and contributes to better gum health. At Keep Smiling, this process is streamlined and doesn’t take long at all. A new impression is taken, the underside of the dentures is reshaped, and your dentures are restored to a fresh, snug fit.


With relining, you can enjoy the following benefits:


  • Your dentures last longer

  • Your gums are better supported and protected from long-term damage

  • The look of your dentures remains the same

  • The wear of your teeth doesn't change 



Make an appointment at Keep Smiling Dentures, we're a denture clinic near Panton Hill. We can take an impression, you leave your dentures with us for just a few hours, and we'll refit your newly relined dentures that same day.


Your dentures and why professional cleaning is important


​Your natural teeth need regular professional cleaning. It’s the same for dentures.


Why? The most obvious reason is because of plaque build-up. Apart from looking unsightly, it can harden into tartar. This is not a good look and can cause bad breath.


Our experts remove the tartar with professional equipment without causing any damage to the dentures. Same-day professional cleaning and polishing are just one of our quality services.


Book with denture repair specialists


For the very best in denture repair services near Panton Hill and surrounding areas, see us at Keep Smiling Dentures. You can expect the ultimate in experience and expertise, so you always have the best dentures possible.


We offer exceptional service you can depend on. With our prompt, highly-skilled denture repairs and cleaning service, you'll be able to get back to enjoying more of life. That’s just one way we help you keep smiling.


Call Keep Smiling Dentures today for a brighter tomorrow.

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